Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diet
Chronic fatigue is a condition described by improved fatigue that exacerbates with physical activities. Patients in chronic fatigue syndrome feels tired even after sufficient rest and sleep. The severance of chronic fatigue depends on the symptoms. Some common symptoms and signs are painful lymph nodes, fatigue, sleeping problem, severe exhaustion, muscle pain, body ache and loss of concentration. These symptoms are described as chronic fatigue syndrome. Yet the accurate cause of this illness is not found. The viral infection, damaged immune system, hormonal changes, depression and psychosomatic stress are also response of chronic fatigue syndrome.
The chronic fatigue syndrome treatment depends on symptoms. Patients can choose several treatment options like relieving pain, behavior therapy, soft exercise, controlling depression and therapeutic treatment. Beside this treatment procedure, some home remedies like proper diet planning is very essential.
The most essential facet of chronic fatigue syndrome is the nutritional deficiencies that worsen the symptoms. For that reason a well balanced diet is extreme essential part in the chronic fatigue syndrome treatment procedure. Chronic fatigue syndrome diet must include sufficient healthy food for restoring energy level and stimulation of the immune system. This process help in preventing dietary complications that are noticed among chronic fatigue syndrome patients.
The chronic fatigue syndrome diet must consist of protein foods and rich carbohydrates. Foods that contain sufficient complex carbohydrates like grins, barley, oatmeal, corn, cornmeal and maize. Such type of foods provides sufficient amount of vitamin, fibers, minerals and carbohydrates. The foods like seeds, soy and nuts are very important because of containing enough protein and fully responsible to keep healthy to antibodies, hormones and enzymes, and also assist in pain relieving.
Drinking sufficient purify water is a new natural treatment and also part of chronic fatigue syndrome diet. This assist detox and body hydrate to keep healthy. Add fresh fruits and green vegetables in diet menu that contain antioxidants, fibers, vitamins and nutrients, and help to restore dysfunctional immune system. Chronic fatigue syndrome patients should not intake food which causes allergies and offer low amount of nutrition. Also low calorie and high fat content foods are strictly avoided. Such patients also not intake sweet and sugar related foods because it will changes blood sugar level.